Wednesday 29 June 2011

the mind of kyle williams take two

hmmm some more fishy fingers

she keeps his eyes in a jar of pickled onions

whos the fucking rat
caught in the trap
under greigys thumb

whos the latest casualty
whos lost their friends
to be left with none

whos the silly bugger
that will stand to lose it all

its almost like he's lost his eyes
fuck it,
his name is fucking SMALLS

singular tear

becoming a regular occurrence recently

batter him


fuck it, il meet u in the dales anywhales

the mind of kyle williams

fish finger.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Saturday 18 June 2011

smalls been kicked off dole

If your not at work...
and your not on dole...

what the fuck are you on??
on greig.

how to get a job

u just sell sum fucking papers dont ya

I just stepped on the seed,
and with that I planted a tree,
I watched it grow for a matter of time,
then saw it breath a bargain plea,
It asked  me in a language that I wouldn't usually know.
I saw it speak with ease and E's
it asked me how many years ago
did I learn from what I know
To watch the colours fall
from the ceilings to the floor
To hear the Blues in a room thats grey with multi-coloured doors

what be the brightest

hair or lagoon
dont gimmie that strawberry blonde bullshit

Thursday 2 June 2011